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picture1_Oil Pdf 177055 | Pre Lecture Note Module 1 7th Sem  1600932959

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File: Oil Pdf 177055 | Pre Lecture Note Module 1 7th Sem 1600932959
lecture note on petroleum refinery engineering th 7 semester pce7j002 department of chemical engineering igit sarang prepared by pranab kumar mahalik igit sarang titinamahalik gmail com syllabus pce7j002 petroleum refinery ...

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...Lecture note on petroleum refinery engineering th semester pcej department of chemical igit sarang prepared by pranab kumar mahalik titinamahalik gmail com syllabus module i origin and formation reserves deposits the world indian industry composition crude pretreatment dehydration desalting pipe still heater atmospheric vacuum distillation oil important products properties test methods natural gas associated dissolved off lpg reid vapour pressure astm octane number cetane ii treatment additives blending gasoline kerosene lubes lubricating oils waxes iii thermal catalytic cracking hydro treating coking visbreaking alkylation isomerization asphalt air blown is perhaps most substance consumed in modern society it used as fuel for energy heating transportation also provides raw materials plastics other word derived from latin petra oleum means literally rock refers to hydrocarbons that occur widely sedimentary rocks form gases liquids semisolids or solids a standpoint an extremely complex ...

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