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picture1_Oil Pdf 176991 | 2 Vol2 Petroleum 7 0

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File: Oil Pdf 176991 | 2 Vol2 Petroleum 7 0
PETROLEUM (REFINERY AND MARKETING) Public Enterprises Survey 2013-2014 : Vol-II 97 3HWUROHXP 5H¿QHU\ 0DUNHWLQJ (` in crore) As on 31.03.2014, there were 8 Central Public Sector S ...

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...Petroleum refinery and marketing public enterprises survey vol ii hwurohxp h qhu dunhwlqj in crore as on there were central sector s enterprise hw ur w rvv qwhusulvhv lq wkh dqg no group the names of these along with their bharat year incorporation chronological order are given corpn ltd below chennai corporation gail india gas indian oil hindustan mangalore petrochemicals numaligarh total dividend details declared by individual falling this mainly engaged producing selling surgxfwv vxfk dv glhvho nhurvhqh qdskwkd jdv oxehv greases chemical additives lubricants etc kh frqvrolgdwhg qdqfldo srvlwlrq zrunlqj uhvxowv important management ratios appended turnover social overhead township number shuvrqv hpsor hg shqglwxuh lqfxuuhg rq vrfldo overheads townships particulars employees rupees i educational medical facilities iii others capital cost houses constructed which numbers hduqhg qhw sur ru vxvwdlqhg orvv duh jlyhq ehorz company wise respect balance sheet ffrxqw psruwdqw qglfdwruv lqdqfl...
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