File: Solving Equations Pdf 176862 | 2021 Eswa Mwp
solving arithmetic word problems by scoring equations with recursive neural networks a b a a klimzaporojets giannis bekoulis johannes deleu thomas demeester chris develdera aghent university imec idlab dept of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Solving arithmetic word problems by scoring equations with recursive neural networks a b klimzaporojets giannis bekoulis johannes deleu thomas demeester chris develdera aghent university imec idlab dept of information technology intec technologiepark zwijnaarde ghent belgium bvrije universiteit brussel electronics and informatics etro pleinlaan brussels abstract is cornerstone task in assessing language under standing reasoning capabilities nlp systems recent works use automatic ex traction ranking candidate solution providing the answer to this work we explore novel approaches score such using tree structured network rnn congu rations theadvantageofthistree rnnapproachoverusingmoreestablishedsequen tial representations that it can naturally capture structure our proposed methodconsists transforming mathematical expression equation into an further encode different lstmarchitectures experimental results show method i im proves overall performance more than accuracy points compared previ...