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picture1_Bilinear Transformation Example 176666 | 1468564084etext(ch 9,m 3

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File: Bilinear Transformation Example 176666 | 1468564084etext(ch 9,m 3
chapter9 conformal mapping and bilinear transformation by dr pulak sahoo assistant professor department of mathematics university of kalyani west bengal india e mail sahoopulak1 gmail com 1 module 3 bilinear ...

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...Chapter conformal mapping and bilinear transformation by dr pulak sahoo assistant professor department of mathematics university kalyani west bengal india e mail sahoopulak gmail com module normal form fixed points or invariant the which coincide with its are called xed if z is a point t then identity i has every c as w solutions theorem prove that in general there two values for but only one d bc show also distinct p q can be written k where constant proof let az b ad cz we have gives hence when from obtain cp ap dp cq aq dq now similarly therefore this proves remark equations known canonical f more than extended complex plane must note having parabolic ii it elliptic real hyperbolic iii neither nor loxodromic satises condition aei example find all transformations solution required solving get bz iz so given...

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