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...Ch p qxd pm page chapter linear programming simplex method contents an algebraic overview tableau form of the generalcase properties greater than or equal to constraints determining a basic solution equality feasible eliminating negative right hand side values summary steps create setting upthe initial solving aminimization improving problem calculating next specialcases infeasibility interpreting results unboundedness iteration alternative optimal solutions moving toward better degeneracy inchapterweshowedhowthegraphicalsolutionprocedurecanbeusedtosolvelinearpro gramming problems involving two decision variables however most problemsaretoolargetobesolvedgraphically andanalgebraicsolutionproceduremustbe employed themostwidelyusedalgebraicprocedureforsolvinglinearprogrammingprob lemsiscalledthesimplexmethod computerprogramsbasedonthismethodcanroutinely solve with thousands and man agement science inaction fleetassignment at deltaair lines describes programinvolving variablesand constrai...