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advances in social science education and humanities research volume 574 proceedings of the 6th international conference on science education and technology iset 2020 developing mathematical conceptual understanding through problem solving ...

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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume proceedings of the th international conference on technology iset developing mathematical conceptual understanding through problem solving role abstraction reflective lulu choirun nisa st budi waluya universitas negeri semarang indonesia choirunnisa gmail com s b math unnes kartono scholastika mariani scmariani abstract is a mechanism that lower level to higher reflexion moves individuals from one rearranging structure this may be knowledge first study very builds novelty therefore important part how dominant process formed beth piaget explicitly states forms new or for development example dubinsky david tall advanced concepts because mitchelmore are some researchers who focus constructs processed concept formation also stated resulting mastery students played lot good mathematics product will able simon et al reason comprehend operate connect method supports animates large buildings idea play logic construction arnon ...

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