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File: Axonometricprojections
10 axonometric projections 10 1 axonometric views g f h c e b d a c g b f s d h a e r f b isometric drawing y ...

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...Axonometric projections views g f h c e b d a s r isometric drawing y view x an and of cube are parallel onto oblique plane have the advantage that they give pictorial object yet dimensions measurable manually can be constructed from orthographic this is best illustrated by example construction in figure shows plan elevation which direction to one its diagonals notice each sides has been foreshortened equally actual length or more precisely indicated angles such projection also called meaning equal measure drawn directly as shown where rotated until vertical edge appears ordinary scale width height os for ratio two other common figures there popular however not true on right actually known top rhombic face left based military it unit scales adjusting created according variety axial some drawings directions scaled differently diametric all three trimetric these non tend realistic their depiction fact chinese scroll paintings use see every corresponds line sight whose bearing angle altit...

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