File: Solved Problems Pdf 176305 | 1585041316993 Module 4
module 4 transportation problem and assignment problem module 4 transportation problem and assignment problem transportation problem is a special kind of linear programming problem lpp in which goods are transported ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Module transportation problem and assignment is a special kind of linear programming lpp in which goods are transported from set sources to destinations subject the supply demand destination respectively such that total cost minimized it also sometimes called as hitchcock types problems balanced when both supplies demands equal then said be unbalanced not an this type either dummy row or column added according requirement make can solved similar methods solve find initial basic feasible solution there three northwest corner cell method least call vogel s approximation vam structure above table d where products delivered different source o i j c product ij prasad y dept cse acsce b lore page introduction has been discussed previous section finding using will explanation given four for have north west starting point e each every value considered per compare allocate minimum two shown figure completed so entire canceled remains now remaining excluding check among respective rows less than...