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picture1_Unit V Isometric Projection   Perspective Projection

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File: Unit V Isometric Projection Perspective Projection
engineering graphics unit v isometric projection perspective projection 1 pictorial projections to visualize the shape of the whole object in its 3 dform all the two or three orthographic views ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Engineering graphics unit v isometric projection perspective pictorial projections to visualize the shape of whole object in its dform all two or three orthographic views have be read simultaneously and a conclusion is drawn mentally about engineers often find that they must prepare drawings showing more number faces one view convey technical information technically lay persons are obtained by projecting an only on plane types which dimensions solid not shown but also their can measured from it directly shows as appears instead true size principle whatisisometricprojection iso means equal metricmeansmeasure system equality measure ex cube resting hp corners with diagonal imaginary line joining at top diametrically opposite corner bottom perpendicularto...

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