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picture1_Math 131 Notes Beckham Myers

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File: Math 131 Notes Beckham Myers
math 131 introduction to topology 1 professor denis auroux fall 2019 contents 9 4 2019 introduction metric spaces basic notions 3 9 9 2019 topological spaces bases 9 9 11 ...

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...Math introduction to topology professor denis auroux fall contents metric spaces basic notions topological bases subspaces products continuity homeomorphisms limit points sequences limits more product topologies connectedness path compactness uncountability compactications and local countability separability normal urysohn s lemma the metrization theorem please email beckham myers at bmyers college harvard edu with any corrections questions or comments mistakes errors are mine category theory paths homotopy fundamental group oid covering lifting of circle quotients gluing brouwer fixed point antipodes borsuk ulam deformation retracts equivalence computing universal cover free groups seifert van kampen final examples instructor for this course is his oce sc he will be hosting hours monday tuesday website http f all information posted on webpage although we use canvas record grades there homework due every week wednesday along a take home midterm an in class nal loosely follow munkres on...

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