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File: Ce2254 Sq
surveying ii for iv semester unit i tacheometric surveying unit ii control surveying unit iii survey adjustments unit iv astronomical surveying unit v hydrographic and advance surveying prepared by a ...

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...Surveying ii for iv semester unit i tacheometric control iii survey adjustments astronomical v hydrographic and advance prepared by a senthil kumar m e asst prof ce department of civil engineering working from whole to part horizontal vertical methods triangulation signals base line instruments accessores corrections satellite station reduction centre trignometric levelling single reciprocal observations modern trends bench marking two mark questions answers what is trignometrical the process determining differences elevations stations observed angles known distances which are assumed be either or geodetic lengths at mean sea level may measured means an accurate theodolite in case plane computed define object determine very precisely relative absolute positions on earth s surface system widely separated points determined terms azimuths lines joining them latitude longitude elevation above however distinction between fundamentally one extent area rather than operations consists number i...

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