File: Problem Solving In Mathematics Pdf 175193 | Scoregrid
mathematics problem solving scoring guide emerging developing proficient exemplary conceptual 1 your mathematical representations 1 your choice of forms to represent 1 your choices of mathematical 1 your choice of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Mathematics problem solving scoring guide emerging developing proficient exemplary conceptual your mathematical representations choice of forms to represent choices understanding the were incorrect was inefficient or helped clarify you used wrong information in inaccurate appropriate s meaning key question does trying solve some but not all relevant uncovered hidden student procedures from implied readily interpretation would lead a correct solution apparent using chose partially that and terminology incorrectly an elegant accurately reflect imprecisely correctly precisely important strategies oversimplified innovative reasoning for approach efficient insightful didn t seem know where offered little no explanation is begin justified each step proved did support work there evidence depicted aspects representation fit valid task provided examples proceeded relationship between sometimes made leaps logic counterexamples plan applied hard follow process led sophisticated complete followed ...