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picture1_Calc3 Notes3

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File: Calc3 Notes3
contents 1 double integrals over rectangular regions 1 2 double integrals over general regions 7 2 1 introduction 7 2 2 areas of general regions 9 2 3 region types ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Contents double integrals over rectangular regions general introduction areas of region types in polar coordinates triple cylindrical spherical wenowbeginour study multi variable integration single calculus we learned that the denite integral z b f x dx a represents area between curve dened by and axis this can be understood geometrically thinking as rectangle with an innitesimally small base height operation is to add up all these get total so how does idea extend functions two variables function form y surface r let some xy plane evaluating every point creates solid pillar curved top where shape determined shown gure below volume calculated such c d say cartesian product intervals denote note notation uses symbol but it not at related cross vectors inside suppose draw dimensions centered around then v lies under approximately dtimes approximation because actually since change within however limit i e each dimension becomes innitesimal above exact dv da dxdy figure illustration which ...

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