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picture1_Programming Pdf 174976 | Lesson03graphicalmethodforsolvinglpp

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File: Programming Pdf 174976 | Lesson03graphicalmethodforsolvinglpp
unit 1 lesson 3 graphical method for solving lpp learning outcome 1 finding the graphical solution to the linear programming model graphical method of solving linear programming problems introduction dear ...

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...Unit lesson graphical method for solving lpp learning outcome finding the solution to linear programming model of problems introduction dear students during preceding lectures we have learnt how formulate a given problem as next step after formulation is devise effective methods solve and ascertain optimal friends start with once having mastered same would subsequently move on simplex algorithm but let s not get carried away first thing here go seek understand importance in find out be used generate has been formulated basis objective associated constraint functions obtain best possible or various mathematical analytical techniques can employed graphic procedure one two variable it consists following steps i defining mathematically express terms several constraints an function relates optimization aspect maximisation minimisation criterion ii plot graphically each inequality equation treated arbitrary value assigned other obtained by similar manner different again corresponding easily ...

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