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picture1_Limits Formula Pdf 174829 | Percras J

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File: Limits Formula Pdf 174829 | Percras J
c r acad sci paris t 333 serie i p 239 244 2001 probabilites probabilitytheory analyse complexe complex analysis critical percolation in the plane conformalinvariance cardy s formula scaling limits ...

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...C r acad sci paris t serie i p probabilites probabilitytheory analyse complexe complex analysis critical percolation in the plane conformalinvariance cardy s formula scaling limits stanislav smirnov royal institute of technology department mathematics stockholm sweden e mail stas math kth se recu le avril accepte abstract this note we study site on triangular lattice introduce harmonic conformal invariants as certain probabilities and calculate their values a corollary obtain invariance crossing conjecture attributed to aizenman by langlands pouliot saint aubin nd predicted discuss simpler representation found carleson then wediscuss existence uniqueness continuum limit thedetailed proofs appear academie des sciences editions scientiques et medicales elsevier sas critique dans plan conforme formule de objets limites resume danscettenote nousnousinteressons alapercolation par sites sur reseau triangulaire nous introduisons conformes harmoniques montrons qu ils correspondent la limite lo...

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