mathematics course sequence course sequences shown here are for general reference your starting point depends on your math assessment results and your education plan before you enroll in a math ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Mathematics course sequence sequences shown here are for general reference your starting point depends on math assessment results and education plan before you enroll in a class please see the smc website edu visit department assist org or talk to counselor counseling vel these courses may be taken any order but students advised complete enrolling discrete structures multivariable calculus linear algebra ordinary differential units equations transfer school s requirements vary higher lefor details business economics other majors that do not need trigonometry based generally required uc stem including computer science engineering one of physical natural life sciences social require college lemath possibly can replace liberal arts accelerated option elementary teacher only fulfills csu with pre requirement applications undecided c concurrent support functions modeling finite statistics teachers intermediate plane geometry le new b bridge this is an path through learn at own pace lab facu...