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...Package sparsem march version author rogerkoenkerandpinng maintainer roger koenker depends r methods stats utils description basic linear algebra for sparse matrices license gpl title url http www econ uiuc edu research html needscompilation yes repository cran date publication rtopics documented character or null class lsq matrix coo csc hb csr chol ssc ssr mslm numeric slm t image ontology ops solve summary triogramx index avirtual needed by the objects from no may be created it nomethodsdenedwithclass in signature least squares problems surveying oneofthefourmatricesfromtheleast squaressolutionofproblemsinsurveyingthatwereusedby michael saunders and chris paige testing of lsqr usage data format alistofclassmatrix hbormatrix hbdependingonhowthecoefcientmatrixisstored with following components ra component coefcient x ja ia rhs right hand side y if stored dense vector otherwise a xexactvector exact solutions b they exist o therwise guessvector initial guess dimdimenson modestorage mod...