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picture1_Matrix Pdf 174620 | V16 9 7

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File: Matrix Pdf 174620 | V16 9 7
journal of xi an shiyou university natural science edition issn 1673 064x atechniqueforencodinganddecodingusing matrixtheory 1 2 3 4 t ranjani a manshath v maheshwari and v balaji 1department of mathematics ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Journal of xi an shiyou university natural science edition issn x atechniqueforencodinganddecodingusing matrixtheory t ranjani a manshath v maheshwari and balaji department mathematics d k m college for women vellore actuarial b s abdur rahman crescent institute technology chennai vels advanced studies sacred heart tirupattur e mail pulibala gmail com abstract in this paper we have disccussed algorithm encryption decryption using matrix theory worked two examples keywords key amssubclass introduction theartandtechnologyofconcealingthemessages to introduce secrecy information safety is diagnosed figure procedure encoding as cryptography the technique disguising message such way on hide its substance coding en crypted cipher text approach turning into plain encryp tion process comprised with value independent plaintext they developed prerequisite decoding theorem strings some length size l can be converted called r n least that results discussions depending upon help suitably chosen nume...

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