BASIC DATA MATRIX (VRS 1.2021) INTRODUCTION This basic matrix was designed to serve as a tool for basic data collection. It is a simple matrix containing what many (including ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Basic data matrix vrs introduction this was designed to serve as a tool for collection it is simple containing what many including asilomar aspca national federation of humane societies american uc davis maddie s fund petsmart charities hsus and shelter animals count have agreed are the minimum points along with definitions an organization should gather whether organizations already great deal or only gathered basics facilitate roll up merging at local regional level by providing common framework does not reflect any preference in analysis calculation rates but rather simply agreeing we hope will least if gathers that they consider rolling their into format help which would allow participating agencies benchmark work against similar around region nation variety live release used animal sheltering welfare most other than full requires conditions be able calculated from included counted break out species age intake update outcome categories tracked within expands beyond canines felines i...