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picture1_Matrix Pdf 174468 | Error Correction (october 2015)

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File: Matrix Pdf 174468 | Error Correction (october 2015)
matrix algebra and error correcting codes aaron fenyes afenyes math utexas edu october 2015 abstract these notes started o as an enrichment piece for computer science and electrical engineering majors ...

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...Matrix algebra and error correcting codes aaron fenyes afenyes math utexas edu october abstract these notes started o as an enrichment piece for computer science electrical engineering majors studying at ut austin they re meant to show how the tools you pick up in a rst course things like multiplication linear equations column spaces null bases pivots operations inversion can be used design implement lot of material is exercises some which are harder than others so probably best read company more experienced guide i learned most what know about coding theory from lecture by guruswami kaplan m presenting somewhat original way however apologize any errors ve introduced if detect or correct please let me tostay close mindset elementary occasion ally deviated conventions instead thinking subspaces example identify them with their generators my s transposed relative usual presentation bits already vectors matrices whose entries real numbers certain areas it very useful that pretty much ever...

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