functional volume 4 differential 1997 no 3 4 equations pp 279 293 matrixriccatiequationsand stability of stochastic linear systems withnonincreasingdelays v b kolmanovskii and l e shaikhet abstract many real processes ...
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...Functional volume differential no equations pp matrixriccatiequationsand stability of stochastic linear systems withnonincreasingdelays v b kolmanovskii and l e shaikhet abstract many real processes can be modeled by dierential with aftereect conditions for such obtained construc tion appropriate lyapunov functionals using special procedure construction in this paper asymptotic mean square discrete distributed delays is considered condi tions are formulated terms existence positive denite solutions matrix riccati the method dierent proposed key words ams mos subject classication k introduction consider equation x t ax cx hereaandc areconstant n matrices rn a scalar wiener process denotep anysymmetricpositivedenitematrix thenanappropri ate function quadratic form px where p solution ap pa cpc q necessary sucient sta bility system any miem moscow russia donetsk state academy management ukraine but example bx h s problem more complicated below we will obtain some other general let probabi...