Ma 471 Advanced Calculus Fall 2014 MA 471G 002 Advanced Calculus I Fall 2014 Instructor: Prof. Richard Carey MWF 1000-1050 CB 341 Office POT 965 Office Hours: MW 0300-0500 & by appt. Phone 257-3745 h Text: Advanced Calculus 3 ed., 1978 by R. Creighton Buck & Ellen F. Buck h References: Principles of Mathematical Analysis 3 ed., 1976 by Walter Rudin Real Functions, 1953 by Casper Goffman Prerequisite: MA 214 and MA 322. Background: It is assumed that the students have learned to use elementary calculus, but are not experienced in the techniques of ...
ADVANCED CALCULUS II MA 451 Catalogue Description Elements of partial differentiation, implicit function theorems, inverse function theorem, line integrals, Green’s Theorem, transformation of double integrals, uniform continuity, theory of integration, uniform convergence, and infinite series are studied in this course. 3 credits. Prerequisite: MATH 450 Advanced Calculus I or equivalent. Goals A. To present advanced topics of Calculus including Functions of Several Variables. B. To demonstrate applications of Calculus to a variety of disciplines. Procedures A. Lecture/Discussion B. Readings and assigned problems Course Content A. Integral Calculus of Functions of Several Variables B. Improper Integrals C. Vector Integral Calculus ...