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picture1_Riccati Equation Example 174258 | Cam06 63

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File: Riccati Equation Example 174258 | Cam06 63
iterative solution of algebraic riccati equations for damped systems kirsten morris and carmeliza navasca abstract algebraic riccati equations are of large dimen common iterative methods are chandrasekhar and sion arise ...

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...Iterative solution of algebraic riccati equations for damped systems kirsten morris and carmeliza navasca abstract are large dimen common methods chandrasekhar sion arise when using approximations to design controllers newton kleinman iterations here we use a modelled by partial differential modication the method rst proposed modied solve since banks ito as renement leads right hand side rank equal chandraskehar equation number inputs regardless weights resulting lyapunov can be more efciently solved low is key step in im cholesky adi algorithm used plementing either or standard at each straightforward code arising performance illustrated with an example beam have several special features model order different levels damping results indicate that weakly n generally much larger than controls m problems may not exist further analysis supports this point observations p matrices often introduction sparse recently developed uses these leading efcient aclassical controller objective nd contr...

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