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picture1_5a180046cc9037f4c26e13d3c3afc64f Mit18 02sc Supprobsol1

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File: 5a180046cc9037f4c26e13d3c3afc64f Mit18 02sc Supprobsol1
s 18 02 solutions to exercises 1 vectors and matrices 1a vectors 1a 1 a a 3 dir a a 3 b a 3 dir a a 3 c a ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...S solutions to exercises vectors and matrices a dir b c i j k let p be its tail q head then oq op therefore ox px pq sop roq replace by r in above use the condition is not redundant since there are two of o length making an angle with wind w v bi aj elementary trigonometry cos etc if t u direction cosines some ti uj unit vector so conversely this relation holds letting sides third side line joining midpoints which parallel half d four suitably oriented we have from midpoint similarly other thus opposite equal shows gure parallelogram vertices x on pr y or oy dot product orthogonal acute e place cube rst octant origin at one corner three edges longest diagonal face...

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