iccm2007 vol ii 1 4 open problems in matrix theory xingzhi zhan abstract we survey some open problems in matrix theory by briey describing their history and current state 2000 ...
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...Iccm vol ii open problems in matrix theory xingzhi zhan abstract we survey some by briey describing their history and current state mathematics subject classication a b c keywords phrases problem sometimessolutions to challenging can reveal con nections between dierent parts of two examples this phenomenon are the proof van der waerden conjecture on per manents see or recent horn s eigenvalues sums hermitian matrices dicult also expose limits strength existing math ematical tools will describe prob lems which arrange chronologically following sections existence hadamard is square with entries equal whose rows hence columns mutually orthogonal other words order n satisfying aat ni where i identity sylvester proposed recur k rent method for construction department east china normal university shanghai e mail ecnu edu cn author research was supported nsfc grant x proved his famous determinantal inequality positive semidenite deta h product diagonal it follows from that if real ij then nn ...