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...Iranian journal of mathematical sciences and informatics vol no pp doi ijmsi anumerical method for solving ricatti dierential equations mohammad masjed jamei a h salehi shayegan faculty mathematics k n toosi university technology p o box tehran iran e mail mmjamei kntu ac ir ah abstract by adding suitable real function on both sides the qua dratic riccati equation we propose weighted type adams bashforth rules it in which moments are used instead constant coecients numerical results reveal that proposed is ecient can be applied other non linear problems keywords weighting factor nonlinear stirling numbers subject classication l introduction indicated y x q r f play signicant role many elds science example one dimensional static schr odinger closely related to solitary wave solutions partial corresponding author received december accepted october c academic center education culture research tmu m expressed as polynomial two elementary functions satis fying projective such types equa tio...