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File: Janjic42
1 2 journal of integer sequences vol 15 2012 3 article 12 3 5 47 6 23 11 determinants and recurrence sequences milan janji c department of mathematics and informatics ...

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...Journal of integer sequences vol article determinants and recurrence milan janji c department mathematics informatics university banja luka republic srpska bosnia herzegovina agnus blic net abstract we examine relationships between two minors order n some matrices rows r columns this is done through a class here called the investigation which our objective as consequence main result obtain generalization theorem product weshow upper hessenberg with on subdiagonal belong to using such allow us represent terms various in form illustrate several examples particular state few each equals fibonacci number also among dened by same equation are derived introduction second section paper dene derive relationship apply kind an extension consider appear be deter minants important mathematical objects may represented found case for catalan numbers bell polynomials generalized tchebychev polynomi als both kinds continuants derangements factorials any homogenous linear nd examined show that produce ...

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