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picture1_Matrix Pdf 173788 | Paper20

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File: Matrix Pdf 173788 | Paper20
one approach to fuzzy matrix games 1 2 3 konstantin n kudryavtsev irina s stabulit and viktor i ukhobotov 1 south ural state university chelyabinsk russia kudrkn gmail com 2 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...One approach to fuzzy matrix games konstantin n kudryavtsev irina s stabulit and viktor i ukhobotov south ural state university chelyabinsk russia kudrkn gmail com agrarian irisku mail ru ukh csu abstract the paper is concerned with a two person zero sum game payos saddle point being dened clas sic denition in order compare numbers some dierent ordering operators can be used original asso ciated bimatrix crisp which are value on payo we propose that every player use its operator following statement proposed when linear same equilibrium strategy prole for introduce employ algorithm of constructing instances such construct keywords nash equilib rium introduction theory well known take signicant part decision making this often model real world applied situations dicult have strict values because it players analyze data thus information cannot considered complete besides vague targets uncertainty lack precision may modeled as sets initially non cooperative by butnariu prove belief each str...

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