approval 1st senate meeting ma102 mathematics ii credit 2 1 0 3 prerequisites consent of the faculty member students intended for b tech first year elective or core core semester ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Approval st senate meeting ma mathematics ii credit prerequisites consent of the faculty member students intended for b tech first year elective or core semester even course objective this is to introduce basics multivariable calculus and integral transformers their applications aims make understand basic concepts multiple integrals vector laplace fourier series in various engineering problems contents double triple change order integartion variables gamma beta functions dirichelte s application evaluation surface area volume centre gravity moment inertia differentiation vectors gradient divergence curl physical meaning differential operators identities line green theorem a plane gauss stoke transform definition shifting theorems derivatives integration transforms haviside unit step dirac delta inverse solution ordinary equations mechanics electric circuits bending beams using trigonometric half range harmonic analysis sine cosine formula text books e kreyszig advanced th edition john ...