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picture1_Matrix Pdf 173037 | F08ac Item Download 2023-01-27 09-57-13

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File: Matrix Pdf 173037 | F08ac Item Download 2023-01-27 09-57-13
f08 least squares and eigenvalue problems lapack f08ac nagtoolbox nag lapack dgemqrt f08ac 1 purpose nag lapack dgemqrt f08ac multiplies an arbitrary real matrix c by the real orthogonal matrix ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...F least squares and eigenvalue problems lapack fac nagtoolbox nag dgemqrt purpose multiplies an arbitrary real matrix c by the orthogonal q from a qr factorization computed dgeqrt fab syntax ssiiddee ttrraannss vv tt cc m mm n nn k kk nb nnbb description is intended to be used after call which performs of represented as product elementary reectors this function may form one products t qc cqorcq overwriting result on any rectangular common application in solving linear described chapter introduction illustrated section references golub g h van loan computations th edition johns hopkins university press baltimore parameters compulsory input side character indicates how or applied l left r right constraint lorr trans whether mark for matlab manual nort v ldv kind wp array rst dimension ofthearrayv must satisfy if max second at details vectors dene returned columns its argument ldt further number blocks b wherek min each block order except last fortheb upper triangular reector factors tb a...

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