Chapter 1 Matrix Algebra Review This chapter reviews some basic matrix algebra concepts that we will use throughout the book. Updated: August 15, 2013. 1.1 Matrices and Vectors Amatrix ...
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...Chapter matrix algebra review this reviews some basic concepts that we will use throughout the book updated august matrices and vectors amatrix is just an array of numbers dimension a deter mined by number its rows columns for example with illustrated below where denotes row column element avector simply x chaptermatrixalgebrareview vector elements are often written in bold type or underlined to distinguish them from scalars single creation r objects created using function create mata data c nrow ncol byrow true class theoptional argument lls default false which llsthematrixcolumnbycolumn have attributes can be ex amined dim when specifying logical variables always spell out instead t f uponstartuprdenes so canbeusedassubstitutesfortrue respectively however shortcut not recommended because could reassigned during subsequent programming therowsandcolumnscanbegivennamesusing dimnames list col colnames rownames extracted subsetted as follows preserve subsetting drop option creating variet...