subject description form subject code ama290 subject title engineering mathematics credit value 3 level 2 pre requisite nil co requisite exclusion intermediate calculus and linear algebra ama2007 mathematics i exclusion ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Subject description form code ama title engineering mathematics credit value level pre requisite nil co exclusion intermediate calculus and linear algebra i objectives the aims to introduce students with some fundamental mathematical concepts emphasis will be on application of methods solving practical problems in construction industry intended learning upon completion able outcomes apply knowledge vector solve algorithms for simple programming idea partial derivatives lagrange multiplier constrained optimization synopsis indicative syllabus matrices determinants vectors systems equations general properties solutions elimination ill conditioned eigenvalues eigenvectors applications functions several variables maxima minima saddle points error estimates formulation graphical solution simplex method parametric modelling teaching delivered mainly through lectures tutorials presentation methodology aim provide an integrated required understanding techniques develop ability logical thinking...