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...Building scalable and flexible cluster managers using declarative programming lalith suresh joao loff faria kalim sangeetha abdu jyothi nina narodytska leonid ryzhyk sahan gamage brian oki pranshu jain michael gasch vmware ist ulisboa inesc id uiuc ucirvineandvmware abstract despite the complexity of largely similar algorith like kubernetes openstack are noto mic problems involved in various con riously hard to develop given that they routinely grapple with texts tackle conguration problem custom system combinatorial optimization load balanc specic best effort heuristics an approach often leads ing placement scheduling today clus a software engineering dead end as newtypesofpoli ter manager developers these by developing cies introduced overwhelmed having which achieve scalabil write code solve arbitrary combinations increasingly ity signicantly sacricing s decision complex constraints this is unsurprising most quality feature set extensibility over time prov management involve np comb...