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picture1_Derivatives Calculus Pdf 172043 | Amc2015

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File: Derivatives Calculus Pdf 172043 | Amc2015
applied mathematics and computation 257 2015 12 33 contents lists available at sciencedirect applied mathematics and computation journal homepage www elsevier com locate amc lattice fractional calculus vasily e tarasov ...

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...Applied mathematics and computation contents lists available at sciencedirect journal homepage www elsevier com locate amc lattice fractional calculus vasily e tarasov skobeltsyn institute of nuclear physics lomonosov moscow state university russia article info abstract keywords integration differentiation non integer orders for n dimensional physical lattices with long range particle interactions are suggested the proposed deriv models atives integrals represented by kernels such that derivative their fourier series transformations have a power law form respect to components integral wavevector continuouslimitsfortheselatticefractional derivatives give nonlocal continuum continuumderivativesandintegralsofnon integerorderswithrespecttocoordinates lat dynamics tice analogs differential equations include andintegral operators can serve as an important element microscopic approach local in mechanics inc all rights reserved introduction main approaches describe properties media materials m...

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