daftar pustaka anton h bivens i davis s 2012 calculus early transcendentals 10th edition new york john wiley sons inc astutik y s 2014 maximum likelihood estimation mle untuk regresi ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Daftar pustaka anton h bivens i davis s calculus early transcendentals th edition new york john wiley sons inc astutik y maximum likelihood estimation mle untuk regresi linier multilevel civil electrical engineering journal vol no bain l engelhardt m introduction to probability and mathematical statistics second california wadsworth publishing company berridge d crouchley r multivariate generalized linear mixed models using crc press cahyati w penerapan analisis mengidentifikasi pengaruh literasi keuangan terhadap capaian siswa bidang matematika skripsi institut pertanian bogor drapper n smith applied regression analysis canada f g t parameter inference in the model elsevier finch bolin j e kelly k modeling taylor francis group goldstein statistical london arnold publisher gujarati p dasar ekonometrika edisi jakarta salemba empat harlan depok gunadarma hox moerbeek schoot v techniques application third routledge kemendikbud indikator pendidikan di indonesia pusat data dan statistik kem...