Spring 2000 Math 253 – ACCELERATED CALCULUS III (4) Vector calculus; maxima and minima in several variables; multiple integrals; line integrals, surface integrals and their applications. Pre: Math 252 Text: ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Spring math accelerated calculus iii vector maxima and minima in several variables multiple integrals line surface their applications pre text by susan jane colley chapter dierentiation weeks n functions of graphing surfaces the topology r limits continuity are discussed section next three sections cover derivatives dierentiability partial higher order partials chain rule all for m f but with emphasis on scalar valued case introduces gradient directional could be done immediately after topics include rst half this covers parameterized curves fundamental notions dierential geometry velocity acceleration tangent normal vectors arclength curvature second elds rn divergence curl a eld del operator is introduced review taylor s theorem dierentials one variable again do not assume that students remember these then remainder applied to problem nding classifying extrema including derivative hessian test extreme value compact subsets lagrange multipliers used constrained optimization problems c...