cent eur j phys 11 6 2013 779 791 doi 10 2478 s11534 013 0219 z central european journal of physics existence uniqueness and limit property of solutions to quadratic ...
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...Cent eur j phys doi s z central european journal of physics existence uniqueness and limit property solutions to quadratic erdelyi kober type integral equations fractional order research article jinrong wang chun zhu michal feckan department mathematics guizhou normal college guiyang p r china university mathematical analysis numerical faculty informatics comeniusuniversity mlynska dolina bratislava slovakia institute slovak academy sciences stefanikova received january accepted march abstract in this paper we apply certain measure noncompactness xed point theorem darbo derive the with three parameters moreover also present another results above finally two examples are given illustrate obtained pacs f hj keywords uniquness versita sp o introduction traditional integer calculus was mentioned al ready by leibnitz l hospital subject has become a rapidly growing area been introduced since end found applications diverse elds ranging from nineteenth century liouville riemann but physical en...