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...Nda ex a m stu d y t e r i l f o math s indefinite integrals definition an integral which is not having any upper and lower limit known as mathematically if x anti derivative of then the most general antiderivative called denoted dx c wemention below thefollowingsymbols terms phraseswiththeirmeaningsinthetableforbetter understanding symbols phrases meaning with respect to in integrand variable integration function such that process finding constant real number considered derivatives or functions are unique there exist infinitely many antiderivatives each certain can be obtained by choosing arbitrarily from thesetofrealnumbers forthisreason ciscustomarilyreferredtoasanarbitraryconstant cisthe parameter one gets different given properties property differentiation inverses other sense following results where arbitrary let us now prove this statement proof consider its on differentiating both sides we have know zero thus so get therefore hence proved two same lead family curves they equiva...