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picture1_Derivatives Calculus Pdf 171727 | Bachelorproject Fractional Calculus

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File: Derivatives Calculus Pdf 171727 | Bachelorproject Fractional Calculus
faculty of mathematics and natural sciences fractional calculus bachelor project mathematics october 2015 student d e koning first supervisor dr a e sterk second supervisor prof dr h l trentelman ...

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...Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences fractional calculus bachelor project october student d e koning first supervisor dr a sterk second prof h l trentelman abstract this thesis introduces derivatives integrals shortly dierintegrals after short introduction some preliminaries the grun wald letnikov riemann liouville approaches for dening dierintegral will be explored then basic properties such as linearity leibniz rule composition proved thereafter denitions applied to few examples also dierential equations one method solving them discussed ends with applications contents gamma function beta change order integration mittag leer construction integral derivative zero product s dierentiation power exponential trigonometric functions linear laplace transforms transform economic example concrete conclusions references explores however in branch we are not looking at usual integer but non these called which can real or complex orders therefore include refer if talking about combination...

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