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picture1_Advanced Calculus Woods 171329 | Feynman

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File: Advanced Calculus Woods 171329 | Feynman
differentiation under the integral sign leogoldmakher in his autobiography surely you re joking mr feynman richard feynman discusses his different box of tools among other things he mentions a tool ...

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...Differentiation under the integral sign leogoldmakher in his autobiography surely you re joking mr feynman richard discusses different box of tools among other things he mentions a tool picked up from text advanced calculus by woods differentiating it s certain operation that not taught very much universities seems some haven t changed way is since i was never exposed to this trick my courses either however ve accidentally stumbled upon several elegant applications maneuver and thought d write few them down derivation gamma function anoldproblemistoextendthefactorial non integer arguments resolved euler who discovered two formulas for n one an innite product which make sense evenwhennisnotaninteger wederiveoneofeuler sformulasbyemployingthetrickofdifferentiating learned about method website noam elkies reports wasemployedbyinnazakharevichonamathaproblemset let z f e txdx easily evaluated all with respect leads identity tx xe dx taking further derivatives yields xne immediately implies ...

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