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picture1_Final Review

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File: Final Review
chapter 2 limits and derivatives 2 1 the tangent and velocity problems 2 2 the limit of a function limits lim f x l x a one sided limits lim ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter limits and derivatives the tangent velocity problems limit of a function lim f x l one sided aisavertical asymptote y if at least as approaches is calculating using laws g exist particularly not c where constant limx ag h i n positive integer p q pos int even assume squeeze theorem when near except possibly then continuity afunction continuous polynomials exponentials logarithms roots trig functions inverse rational func tions are all each point in their domains fg cf intermediate value suppose that on let be any number between b there exists such innity horizontal asymptotes curve or rates change line to through whose slope equal derivative formula equation with following terms mean same thing instantaneous rate denition provided dierentiation process taking dierentiable given we can denote its d dy leibniz notation dx rules exponential xn nxn e lna both product quotient trigonometric sinx cosx tanx sec cscx csccotx secx sectanx cotx chain rule composite dened by also written ...

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