koninkl nederl akademie van wetenschappen amsterdam reprinted from proceedings series a 75 no 5 and indag math 34 no 5 1972 mathematics lambda calculus notation with nameless dummies a tool ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Koninkl nederl akademie van wetenschappen amsterdam reprinted from proceedings series a no and indag math mathematics lambda calculus notation with nameless dummies tool for automatic formula manipulation application to the church rosser theorem n g de bruijn comrnunicatod at tho mooting of juno in ordinary occurrences bound variable are made recognizable by use one same otherwise irrelevan name all this convention is known cause considerable trouble cases substitution present paper different notational system developed where variables indicated integers giving distance binding l instead attached that claimed be efficient as well metalingual discrission an example most essential part proof presented namefree what about we refer or although specific knowledge will required reading manipulations often troublesome because need re naming if free vzriable expesssion has replaced second expression danger arises some bears srtrne first effect introduced it not intended another case want estab...