thechainrule mc ty chain 2009 1 aspecial rule the chain rule exists for dierentiating a function of another function this unit illustrates this rule in order to master the techniques ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Thechainrule mc ty chain aspecial rule the exists for dierentiating a function of another this unit illustrates in order to master techniques explained here it is vital that you undertake plenty practice exercises so they become second nature after reading text and or viewing video tutorial on topic should be able explain what meant by state dierentiate contents introduction some examples involving trigonometric functions simple technique directly c www mathcentre ac uk we learn how rst term then about which used perform dierentiation consider expression cosx immediately note dierent from straightforward cosine are nding x not simply call such an suppose general have two f g y our case square could identify them more mathematically saying now let s look at example time weoften write as cos also following section nd dy need do dx things substitute u gives us next use formula known du keypoint want cosu follows sinu says xsinx sinx cosxsinx wish might tempting say surely just multiply ou...