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File: Btechsyllabus
curriculum b tech proposed syllabus may 2017 malaviya national institute of technology jaipur department of mathematics curriculum workshop 8 9 may 2017 list of proposed b tech courses curriculum workshop ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Curriculum b tech proposed syllabus may malaviya national institute of technology jaipur department mathematics workshop list courses s no course code l t p c mat i ii arch complex analysis abstract algebra numerical methods probability and statistics operation research information theory coding linear integral discrete transforms mathematical structures graph advanced differential equations number measure random variables stochastic process page credit matrices linearly dependent independent vectors rank consistency a system their solutions eigen values cayley hamilton theorem statement only its applications diagonalization application to classification conics calculus concavity convexity points inflexion asymptotes curve tracing cartesian parametric five polar curves folium descartes limacon cardioids lemniscates bernoulli equiangular spiral other simple partial differentiation euler on homogeneous functions total approximate calculation improper integrals beta gamma properties area ...

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