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picture1_Calculus Pdf 169701 | 2017 07 31 Stokes

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File: Calculus Pdf 169701 | 2017 07 31 Stokes
stokes theorem jay havaldar stokes theorem is one of the most fundamental ideas in calculus and it is an incredibly elegant generalization of quite a few different theorems that are ...

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...Stokes theorem jay havaldar is one of the most fundamental ideas in calculus and it an incredibly elegant generalization quite a few different theorems that are covered typical course my experience as student this was explained by shuffling symbols which baffling because i think there fairly intuitive explanation doesn t require any equations at all once we have crystallized our intuition can dive into world differential forms ultimately expressing intutions succinctly following form d r goal post to get you see basic idea its greens kelvin divergence behind imagine re party huge mansion want how many people leaving or entering minute time span could assign guard each door who reports when person enters through leaves same unless whenever reported must be shortly afterwards since leave room enter another so if weaddupeachguard scontribution traffic within cancels net flow quantity number alternatively youcouldsavealotofmoneybyassigningaguardateachdoorontheboundaryof thehouse inotherwor...

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