journal of sport and exercise psychology 2020 42 500 510 https doi org 10 1123 jsep 2019 0279 2020 human kinetics inc original research to be or not to be ...
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...Journal of sport and exercise psychology https doi org jsep human kinetics inc original research to be or not that is the question modeling differentiation among siblings participating in organized youth keith v osai travis e dorsch shawn d whiteman weber state university utah a relatively common family context which sibling dynamics are well understood present study was designed address two contrasting mechanisms socialization examining older inuence on younger participation american n age years m sd who were active participants completed an online survey measuring individual demographics relationship qualities parent child dimensions reported their most proximal all whom within analyses suggest decreased likelihood playing same primary as for biological sex close b further from c mixed wide discussion section highlights practical value understanding impact processes dyad system keywords birth order composition choice relationships recognized longest lasting rela constructs provide fr...