loyola marymount university math 132 calculus ii spring 2020 section 04 instructor roberto martinez oce hours mwf 11 10 am 12 15 pm e mail roberto martinez lmu edu also ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Loyola marymount university math calculus ii spring section instructor roberto martinez oce hours mwf am pm e mail lmu edu also available by appointment hall phone website http faculty robertomartinez course information meet times fan dates jan may text for scientists engineers early trancendentals briggs cochran gillet calculator a graphing is recommended but not required prerequisites passing grade in of c or higher strongly encouraged mathematics placement examination description the goals are to introduce students fundamentals integral and innite series topics include integration numerical methods with error analysis applications improper integrals an introduction parametric equations polar coordinates prerequisite iii dierential several other courses engineering physics etc learning outcomes upon successful completion student will be able understand relationship between dierentiation demonstrate concept denite algebraically geometrically numerically apply fundamental theorem ident...