appendixa calculus of variations the calculus of variations appears in several chapters of this volume as a means to formally derive the fundamental equations of motion in classical mechanics as ...
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...Appendixa calculus of variations the appears in several chapters this volume as a means to formally derive fundamental equations motion classical mechanics well quantum here essential elements involved are briey summarized consider functional f depending on function y single variable x i e and its rst derivative dy dx moreover is dened terms line or path integral xbi xa accordingly value will depend chosen go from b central problem consists determining that makes an extremum maximum minimum saddle point other words equivalent conditions for which acquires stationary equivalently invariant under order perturbations xxbidx xxb idx let us thus dene quantities where denotes perturbed taken with respect same so it straightforward show d therefore brief description presented can be complemented more detailed treatments found known textbooks mathematical physics g s sanz miret artes trajectory processes fundamentals lecture notes doi springer verlag berlin heidelberg appendix substituting exp...