math 425 fall 2005 notes on the fundamental theorem of integral calculus i introduction these notes supplement the discussion of line integrals presented in 1 6 of our text recall ...
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...Math fall notes on the fundamental theorem of integral calculus i introduction these supplement discussion line integrals presented in our text recall as you learned it suppose f is a real valued function that dierentiable an interval and continuous then rbf t dt b for example if want to integrate x over says s only necessary nd with derivative say rxdx rf dx exercise extend version stated above complex functions just apply imaginary parts ri use resulting e goal prove g open subset plane p q not necessarily distinct points smooth curve from any analytic z dz c r zdz proof we did case cf ofthetext isthelinesegmentfromp find coszdz solution sinz obtain sin most important all circle centered about origin oriented counter clockwise slight modication argument done class wednesday divide into two semicircles closed right halfplane this means its left entire sum let be principal branch logarithm take makeasketch so can see relationship lies entirely by lnr rei now composite at ll chain rule ...