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...Mac surveyofcalculusi online summer course overview exams grade distribution general information courseoverview meetingplace time instructor cristina korb ofce little email cekorb u edu hours thursday pm or byappointment content is the rst in two semester sequence and surveying important ideas of calculus but emphasizing its applications to business economics life so cial sciences covers precalculus topics basics functions graphing specic their as models linear quadratic rational exponential logarithmic well limits denition derivative differentiation techniques including rates change curve sketching optimization intro duction integration area total aminimumgradeofc notcminus inmacsatisesthreecreditsoftheuniversitygeneral educationquantitative requirement three state writing math this an version all delivered students view lectures management system canvas complete homework quizzes using mymathlab software are encouraged post questions answers on thecoursediscussionboardincanvas threese...